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Thursday July 18th 1889. Went down town to the post office and from there rode up to the station and took the Wallkill Valley train for Brinnova to where Freds man met me and drove me up to High Falls. It was a beautiful day, like yesterday but a little warmer. Fred is putting the road in order from his mill to High Falls and it was excellent. I arrived at the house at 10 30 just an hour from Kingston and had a very pleasant day with Annie Lee and Sara. Will Nortons two boys Ellery and Hastings are there and Fred and Annie had gone to N.Y to return this evening. Annie Lee is very anxious for me to have an exhibition of my pictures in Boston, and had a great deal to say about it. I was pleased with her interest in me and her evident respect for my position as an artist, but I could hardly encourage her to hope that I would be able to do what she proposed. However she is to spend a little time with us to before she returns and we are to talk further about it. I walked down below the Falls and was much interested in the picturesqueness of the place. It is very pretty all about there and the whole landscape was doubly lovely in the air of this charming day. There is just a slight sense of the summer being on the wane. The flowers and grasses have a late summer look because, I presume, every thing is in advance at least a fortnight this year. I saw in a swamp just a suspicion of the Autumn in a purpling branch of the soft maple and the golden rods and the flowers which grow in pinkish clusters whose name I do not know are blooming along the walls and among the rank weeds and grasses. We were driven down to Binnewater to the train and were home at 7.30. I am very stiff and lame and fear I have rheumatism in my right leg. It is difficult to walk after I have sat a short time.

Friday 19" After I came back from down town this morning I took Tom down to the fence on the side hill and had him rake the leaves away from it into little heaps to which I set fire. They were damp and did not burn readily but made a great smoke.  Mrs. Dr. Smith and others came running down thinking something was on fire,  Vera Duncans stable probably. We worked until noon when it began to rain and has rained all the rest of the day. I had a short note from Calvert in which he said he was trying to arrange to come up on Saturday. Tom went up to Kingston at noon and he told me when he returned that he went up for the money the Shufeldts have owed him for a long time and that they paid him. 

Saturday 20" It was close and damp this morning when I was down but later the air became clear and we have had a charming day. I keep tranquil even in the face of responsibilities in the near future which I do not see how I am to meet. Girard told me that Hauck the [[?]] had told him he would give us $22  per foot for the land on Holmes St but I feel sure this was only a ruse so that when the street is paved we will be heavily assessed. I dont think he would give that for it. I would sell it for that if I knew what he meant to do with it. Mrs. Martini of Topeka who used to be Miss Styles of Kingston a school teacher spent the afternoon with Sara and staid to tea. I made a sketch of a sky from the carriage house. Mary returned from N.Y. this evening where she went last Friday. Calvert was to have come with her but did not.

Sunday 21" Another charming day, serene and tender skies and what little wind there is from the N. I have read the Tribune, Thackereys [[?]] and Goldsmith and some things in the magazines. Sara Mary and I sat on the porch after our 4 o'clock dinner and talked until bedtime. I have written to no one. Of all the correspondents I once had very few are left. I dont know of any one I care to write to who is not my debtor.

Monday 22. The beautiful days continue. While I was down town this morning I went down to the Stone yard of Hewitt Boice to inquire about a stone for Maurice's grave and found it would cost $30 exclusive of the lettering and putting.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-15 20:44:43