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Thursday Sept. 26" 1889. The man from Rommel & Drautys came this morning to black and put up the hall stove, Saras Stove and to bring the kitchen stove up stairs all of which is done and which took them nearly all day. The day has been foggy and rainy by spells. Calvert and I went down to Girards office at ten oclock to give the titles to the property sold, and found Mrs Elliott and Mr. Gellies and also Crosby and Hoysradt awaiting us. Sev. Sharpe was a little late but Crosby made a reservation with us Executors by declining to receive his deed until a release was given in the matter between Girard and Eltinge Anderson. I had no idea this transaction which I deplored at the time in any way affected the property but it seems it was drawn in such a way that it was a line upon the property. John McEntee came and we were all equally surprised. However the amount being so small Hoysradt and Miss Elliott did not consider it of any moment and they paid their installments, gave morgtages and received their deeds. Crosby however prefers to wait for the release as he is to pay cash for the whole. Sev. Sharpe was to prepare the necessary paper for Eltinge to sign to release the whole property and they were to go down to the Powell this evening to have it executed. The amount is only about $600 and I hope there will be no question about it. As for the mortgage Girard was to execute to me he has never done it and now as it interferes with our sale and giving clear title I will not take it. Calvert went back to N.Y. by the noon train. I requested him to talk to John about the price for which they would be willing to sell me this house and these front lots and one lot in the rear, and I presume he did but have not seen John since. Sara and I spent the evening at Cantines. No allusion was made to our real estate affairs.

Friday 27" Splendid hazy morning with north wind, cool and bracing. Girard stopped in and told me he and Sharpe went to the Powell and that Eltinge did as requested without hesitation saying he had no idea of its being a lien upon the property. Down town and spent the prenoon doing a lot of business. Crosby came in and after examining his deed carefully took it to his lawyer to see if it was all right when he returned and gave me a certified check on the Rondout bank for $1600 in full. I informed Mr. Collins for Miss Elliott that the formalities had all been attended to. He wanted me to write letters to the Freeman from the woods. I paid the bills for advertising at the Freeman office, paid Purvis per Girard for the guttering and curbing of Charter St, Pd Carter for posting the bills and gave John McEntee a check for $102.38 and a new note for $100 to take up the abbey note due Oct. 29" While I was in Girards office Ed. Lane came in. He looks old. Says he is 73.  Asked him to come up on the hill. Girard asked him to dinner but he went up to Kingston. I came home to dinner. On my way Woolsey stopped me with a petition to have the grade of Chestnut St. established in a way I am doubtful of and so I have not signed it. Then when I got to the foot of the hill Purvis told me Weber was going to present a request to the Common Council for a sewer on Holmes St and that we had better be at the council to oppose it, but I could not stop it if they are determined on it. All our remonstrances could not stop the paving of the street. Cousin [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] Rachel dined with us and goes home by the Powell tomorrow. After dinner I went to Kingston, saw Sev. Sharpe who told me the release from Eltinge Anderson on account of Girards note was absolute upon any of my fathers property. The mortgages had been filed and I gave him a check for Booth for $500.75 which he is to sent to Booth's lawyer tomorrow together with the mortgage give by Miss Eliott for 727.50. I called to see [[?]] Westbrook but he was not in but I have mailed him a check for his service $20. today. Then after getting some of Van Remers nice sausages I walked home and came back of Risley's. I noticed on Chester st. some one had just dug and carried away a great lot of sods. I followed the push wagon tracks toward the directions of the school house and saw a wagon which I suspected was coming for mine. I walked on toward the cemetary until I got out of sight and then went round by Gronemeyers where I saw them digging and loading more sods. I walked up and asked by whose authority they were taking them and gave them a going over for the audacity 

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