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Trip to Maine 1889
Sept 30th
Left home by 7 o'clock A.M. main West Shore road. Arrived at Abbey. 9. Breakfasted in Station. Left at 10. Boston & Abbey. Arrived at Burton 4.30 P.M. Went with luggage to Eastern Station beside Lovell Station and sent it on to Mattawamkeag and then went to College Hill.  

Oct 1. Went in to Burton and called on Annie Lee at her study and invited her to dine with Alice Eastman and me at Youngs at 2.30. Tried to find Bachelder but went to the wrong place in Mt. Vernon St. from which he had moved. Then to Youngs to meet Eastman who was to be there at 2. Meal time included dinner for 4--a la discretion at $2 each. Eastman arrived promptly and at 2.30 we all dined pleasantly in a private venue. After dinner the ladies left and we went out to make some last purchases and then to the Eastern depot to check baggage.  Had meanwhile secured berths in sleeper and got tickets at 218 Washington St.  Started promptly at 7 and arrived at Bangor at 5, where we had ample time for a comfortable breakfast and to change cars for Mattawamkeag where we arrived in a rain storm at 8.30.  Went to hotel and had a good dinner spending the time in the stores and attending to our supplies which we sent on by express from Rondout N.Y. and which had all arrived promptly (cost for express about $10)  Ten Reed who mans the stage from Midway to Mattawamkeag arrived in the middle of the forenoon and loaded every thing amply as his comfortable stage.  Rain had ceased but still cloudy.  Left for Midway about 1.  No rain.  Met Royal Reed at his house 3 miles from Midway

Transcription Notes:
NOTE: This is only the transcription of the TOP page, as the bottom is about 1/4 hidden. The bottom page must be in this section somewhere. Mattawamkeag is a town in Penobscot County, Maine, United States, located where the Mattawamkeag River joins the Penobscot River. Per SI: The word "Midway" is split between pages, transcribing on both pages so that the word if full on both pages.