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the dam and entertained us with bear stories. Wanted some "physic" but could not supply him. Weather came off fine. Moved on up North Train. Saw a deer and landed to shoot but he disappeared. Met Ben York going down with his son sick in his canoe. Fine afternoon. Turned into South Train and intended to cross but a very threatening storm came up, the wind began to blow and I positively declined to cross as the rains dashed into the boat. Landed and went into camp on the N. Shore.

Saturday 5"
Broke camp and came across the lake Fine day. After looking about found a good camping place and went to work clearing up and by night had a comfortable camp. Powers hound came into camp in the evening.

Sunday [[strikethrough]] 7 [[/strikethrough]] 6" Settled the camp and arranged everything in order. Fred went back to the camp yesterday for his dog to hunt deer which I discovered after he left is contrary to the game laws here or would have objected.  Did not return until today. Visit from Powers and Dr.  from Boston who are in camp west of here on an island. They all went out for a deer taking Fred and his dog. Plenty of yelping and banging and towards evening they returned with a deer. Nice broiled partridges for dinner. Began to rain in the evening and rained all night.

Monday [[strikethrough]] 8 [[/strikethrough]] 7 Raining hard, evidently in for a storm. Perfectly dry in camp and on spring beds as comfortable as one could wish, but uncomfortable cooking in the rain.

Tuesday[[strikethrough]] 9 [[/strikethrough]]8" No rain or wind this morning but cloudy and grey and not cold. About camp all day. Eastman made his chair.
Wednesday 9" Promise of a fine day. Arose early and breakfasted and immediately packed up and got away a little before 8 on our way to Ambijijis [[probably means Ambajejus]] falls at the head of Ambijijis Lake.