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the monthly meeting of the Century, to which I sent the little study I made in our garden last summer. At 11 o clock I went with Bispham up to the Players and saw Booth. He looked old and worn to me and was a little deaf. He had played twice today which may have accounted some what for his appearance but after all I think he is changed, as we all are by the years. We sat down together and had a little supper with Bispham, Col. Rush Hawkins, Dr. Ruppanan and Eastman Johnson who came a little later. I was glad to see him again for I think I have not seen him for a year. Johnson and I went back to the Club about 12 and I soon went to my room.

Sunday Dec. 8". Had my breakfast at the St. Dennis and went home by the 9.55 W.S. train arriving there at 1. It was a mild foggy day and in the afternoon it rained. Mr. & Mrs Reed arrived last Wednesday and were fully installed in my dear old room. Sara is very glad to have them there and thinks of them as friends rather than as mere boarders.

Monday 9" A most lovely day of Indian summer softness. I busied myself with various things, was down town in the morning and wrote to Robt. Wilkinson I would stop and visit them on my way to town tomorrow. I found a letter from Lucy and I wrote to her but did not finish it. Sara and I went down to Johns in the evening. 

Tuesday 10". The drain is stopped up and I worked at unsuccessfully for some time succeeding in cutting and bruising my hands but could not clear the obstruction which is in the trap. Our new hall stove does not perform satisfactorily and as it was a mild day we let the fire out and had Steph. Canfield come up and look at it. Could discern nothing wrong. I worked also at that which did not improve my hands, and while I was busy with it Mrs. Searing and Mrs. Clarke called to see me about something but as I was to go to the train at 3.30 I excused myself and at last rushed off in a great hurry. I got off at Highland where I found Robert waiting for me. We walked up to his house. No one at home but Julie, Edith and himself - May being up at Church's. I talked with him about his election to the Century and told him I thought he would probably get in in Feb. and am to write to Elihu Root again in his behalf, Beaman on Saturday night volunteered to write a letter for him also. I also consulted him about purchasing our place. He says Sara can buy it without our consulting the other heirs and by putting it up at auction I can buy it if I wish to. He thinks and I do also that Kenyon did perhaps not think it absolutely necessary for her to consult the other heirs but to do it as a matter of precaution.

Wednesday 11. I came away by the 8.50 train for N.Y. It had been raining but had cleared and the day has turned out fine. I got to my room at noon and bega painting at once and am improving my picture. I have written to Elihu Root and to Beaman in behalf of Wilkinson. Oliver Johnson died yesterday and there is a long obituary in the Tribune. Mrs. Scott Lord to whom this notice refers was the second wife of Mr. Russell Lord the old chief engineer of the Del. & Hudson Canal and an old friend of my fathers. I remember her well, as a very sweet woman who had a most bitter experience after I knew her.- Went around to the club. Saw Collins, Geo. Butter and Lafarge. Butter is always making promises and Lafarge seems cynical and never thinks it worth his while to waste any time on me.

Thursday 12 A little cooler but lovely weather. I stopped at Macys and bought some Xmas presents for the children and have painted all day. I have no new ideas and I am trying to improve my old         

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-23 11:25:54