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Gill the Post Master about a free delivery which Cantine and I had discussed. Sara came home at 1 o clock. I came away by 4 05 train to attend meeting of A.M.A. society this evening. Rained hard on the way and is now rainy & disagreeable. Had the meeting at Woods room. Only 11 present. Nicoll read his constitution for a new Society on a business basis for mere insurance. Whittredge and I spoke for the idea of the old society, The social, fraternal idea irrespective of the mere insurance which after all seemed most attractive to all present. We discussed the plan of selling the Contributions to some dealer as a whole and adjourned subject to call early in Jan. The feeling being in favor of going on if possible in the old way. Then I went out and got some supper. 

Dec. 19" 1889. I went to see the B[[asye?]] exhibition this morning. I am sure all his work is very fine but I am not as interested in it as perhaps, as I ought to be, In fact the whole exhibition of the "hundred master pieces" was rather a disappointment. Some of Rousseaus landscapes were interesting but I dont care much about Dupre nor Delacroix. I like Troyon and Millet to a certain extent. All this fuss about the "Angelus" is sheer puffery. It is a fine picture and should be allowed to take its legitimate place in art as it eventually will. I am afraid I am very exacting but I only thoroughly like certain things, and these are not all of them among them - I painted a little this afternoon. Rock sent me my new suit. Dr Brown came in toward evening. I paid him his bill for work done to my teeth not long ago. Beard was in for a little while. After dinner I went up to call on the Romeyns in 66" St. They were out. I understood there was a fire a few blocks up, the Presbyterian Hospital and I went up and saw it. It seemed to be in the roof and it was got under control by the firemen. I saw them in the burning rooms clear up in the roof directing the streams of water. On my way back a little after 9 I called at Eastman Johnsons. The servant said he was in but he was not and I think I disturbed Mrs. Johnson and Ethel who insisted on my staying which I did for half an hour. I feel a little uncertain about calling there, although they are always cordial, but they are so in Society I am afraid of breaking into a nap or something of that sort. I came down to the club but there was no one there and I came to my room. Am going home tomorrow to attend Clearwaters party. 

Friday 20" Went home by 11.35 train. Very foggy all day. Sara and I attended the Clearwater party. I got along better than I feared I would at a dancing party. Met some of my old friends among them Miss Isabella Forsyth and Mrs Kenyon the pretty little widow who has been away in the West for a long time

Saturday 21. Girard sold a lot to Geo. M. Decker, over on Chester St. I made out the deed and was about to send to Calvert to sign but in the afternoon as he and Girard were to go over there I went over to stake out the lot when I found I had made the deed for the lot South of Miss Bakers instead of the one North of Ernests. I told him I could easily make out another but he could take either one he chose. He went and looked at the other and decided to take the one he chose first. Meanwhile Dederick the carpenter and his partner came there and measured for his cellar. After they all went I with Toms help staked out the lot. In doing so I threw down the map rolled up and some little boys came along and carried it off, not knowing I imagine what it was. Fortunately some other little boys saw them with it and by paying them a trifle they went and got it for me. I went home and wrote out a new deed and a copy to keep which made four I had written. I signed it and put it in an envelope to send to Calvert for his signature and gave it to Girard to mail. Leo. Forsyth called in the morning and invited me to dine