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sketch box I have had made for Miss Robertson in Mexico. I came away by the 4 oclock train but reached here about 7.30. Got some supper, put on my dress suit and at 9 oclock went up to the Century to assist in celebrating "Twelfth Night" There were already a good number there and shortly we all went to the big rooup up stairs where McDonough read a very interesting paper on the Century, after which the revels began. Paper caps, tin whistles, trumpets and Tambourines were distributed, the boars head led the procession and we marched down stairs, past the punch bowl to wet our whistles. Supper was served and the din was furious. There was a collection of caricature pictures, "the Angklers" coming in for two or three good ones. There was singing, performing, story telling and the usual hilarity to the accompaniment of apple toddy &c. I staid until 1 oclock and came to my room pretty tired from standing so long.

Tuesday Jan. 7" 1890. The warm, close weather continues. I picked a flower in bloom on our side hill on Monday. Last night it was uncomfortably warm at the Century and today is the same. I went down to Fulton St. to order the furnishings for Mrs. Robertsons sketch box. I also went to the bank on my way back and deposited $701. Mrs Jones check, 3 checks of Mr. Reed and $50 in money. I had some words with the clerk who writes up the bank books. He put on an overbearing air to me and I snubbed him. Began my water color and have got it well under way, but the paper does not work to my satisfaction. At 3. I went up to Dr Taylors and began my exercises, remaining until 5.30. I walked clear down to 18" St from 59" St and was very tired. After dinner Mary and I went to hear Miss Edwards the Egyptologist on the origin of portrait art with the Egyptians. The great hall of the Cooper Institute was crowded and her lecture illustrated with calcium light was very interesting and very nicely delivered. Came to my room very tired. I get fatigued easily now 

Wednesday 8" Went down to the office of Luke S. Lockwood, Booths attorney directly after breakfast to pay him the hundred dollars Miss Elliot paid me to be applied on her mortgage. I thought it would perhaps be well to make his acquaintance. I asked him about the last payment when I sent him the $600 mortgage as he asked Sharpe why no cash was sent. He told me he saw Booth in reference to that and said he "he has unbounded confidence in you for he told me to do any thing you asked me to do." I told him I was sure of that and that was why I wanted to do all I proposed to." I was greatly gratified at this proof of Booths continued confidence in me and was glad I went down there. I went to painting on my water color as soon as I returned and worked on it until I went up to Dr Patchens at 3.30. This evening I went to the Union Square Theatre to see Neil Burgess in the "County fair" and was much amused.

Thursday 9" Cold. Came to my room and painted on my water color until time to go to Dr Patchens. Bought a bamboo chair at Van Tines and when it came to my room found it was split and [[?]] and about worthless. When I went over to dinner some young man was calling on Marion who staid and staid. May had invited him to dinner the day before and today was not prepared for him. Thinking he would stay Downing and I went out quietly and got our dinner at a restaurant and afterwards went to Koster & Rials. What a pandemonium of beer, tobacco spangles legs and all things one wants but little 

[[newspaper clipping]]
HASBROUCK-At her late residende, on Thursday, 151 West 23d-st., Mary C., wife of John L. Hasbrouck, in the 74th year of her age.
Funeral private.
It is kindly requested that no flowers be sent.
[[/newspaper clipping]]

Wednesday 10" Came to my studio and worked on my water color which I have finished. Wood and Rider saw it and Wood particularly seemed to think it very good. Went to Dr Patchens as usual. It has been milder today but this evening is colder. Went to Miss Edwards lecture on the painting of the Egyptians. Although I went fully half an hour before the lecture