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enthusiasm and evidently many personal friends of the actors present. It is a play which will probably please the multitude. I found Mrs. Andersons and a friends cards under my door when I returned from Dr. Patchins. They must have called while I was up there  

Tuesday Jan. 14" 1890 I went up to Palmers Theatre and got four seats in the first balcony in front for Friday night for Mary, Calvert, Sedgwick and me to see Mansfield in Richard 3rd. Then down to Wells Fargo's express to see about sending my box to Miss Robertson Then up 6" Av to get some brushes and oil cups for it. It is colder this morning but bright and sunny and will I presume be warm by night. I have done no work today not feeling like painting but instead wrote to Mr. Robertson directing it in care of Mr. Philips 6 Professa Mexico. Just after I had finished this letter Mary Gifford and Mrs. Van Ingen called. Mary is to start for Mexico roday, Church, Mrs Church, his daughter and his son Louis and some lady friend. They go to Albany and I presume to Chicago and take the Montezuma Special at New=Orleans. I was very glad to see Mary and Mrs Van Ingen and had a most pleasant visit from them. After they left I went up to Dr. Patchins. Bowyer and Agnes dined with us this evening. Calvert and I looked over the statement I sent him of my transactions with the Estate and seemed to think I ought to give some acknowledgement of the money I had used. I told him the statement itself is an acknowledgement and that so long as the Estate is so largely indebted to me there was no occasion for any endorsement or money; but it makes me feel a little troubled. Strictly speaking I have no legal right to use one cent for my self but as I told him that as I had been keeping it up for the past ten or twelve years at great sacrifice to myself and during that time have had from five to ten thousand dollars invested in it for which I have received not one cent of interest, now that there was a surplus over its immediate needs I meant, as I had no income to use monies not needed as I certainly should be called upon to make up any deficiency. I really have no income now. No one buys my pictures and I am afraid I will use up my [[strikethrough]] indebted [[/strikethrough]] money which the estate owes me. I feel a little despondent tonight for the first time in a good while. Have come to my room early and shall go to bed early as I slept    poorly the first part of last night

Wednesday 15". The rain is pouring most dismally. I awoke feeling very weak and discouraged and hardly able to drag myself over to breakfast. I cannot account for this excessive shortness of breath. I feel today as though I would like to go home and stay there. I see no encouragement in my profession and I have a feeling that I shall not live long. This shortness of breath I cannot account for. I came to my room in a pouring rain and packed the sketching box for Mexico, which was really quite a job. It is directed and all ready to go and I would have taken it to the Express office if it has not rained so. My picture "Birches" 15 x 18 went to Springfield today. This weather is enough to discourage me. I felt well with the brisk air of yesterday but it seems impossible for the temperature to reach the freezing point. Tidings of cold weather come from the West. Cattle dying from cold and starvation in Wyoming, and here rain, fog and wind. A letter from Janette this morning gives account of the same sort of weather. The rain abated about the time I went to Dr. Patchins but tonight it is foggy and disagreeable and uncomfortably warm in places where there is the least fire. I have felt weak and languid all day and scarcely able to drag myself about. It may be the result of my exercise. Dr. Taylor told me it would aggravate my trouble at first. I took the box for Miss Robertson down to the Wells, Fargo express ofice this afternoon and paid the express $2.85. It goes direct without change and will reach there in six or seven days. Stopped in at the Century a little while this evening but it was rather dull and I did not stay long.

Thursday 16" It was raining this morning but during the forenoon the wind shifted to N. W. and it grew rapidly colder. I have felt much better for the change although it is an effort for me to do any thing. I stopped at Wilmurts this morning and paid him a hundred dollars on a/c. This afternoon I went around to John Rogers' in 12" St. to see his figure in clay of Elliott preaching to the Indians. I thought it a remarkably good figure, bold and spirited. The squaw had some of the prettiness of some of his small groups but the Indian I thought very good. To Dr Patchins as usual. Spent the evening at Marys. Came

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