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Have had a very anxious time. The Dr. thought they were coming home a month too early, but Mrs Church was very anxious to get home. The sketching box I sent to Miss Elizabeth Robertson had arrived in perfect order. I wrote to Mary Gifford and to Mrs. Darley. When I went over to dinner I found Sara there. She had come down with the noon train to stay until Saturday. I took her and Mary to the Union  Square Theatre to see the "County fair" with which they were greatly amused.

Thursday Feb. 27" 1890. My Autum [[Autumn]] picture is done and I have no enthusiasm with which to begin another. I literally see no one interested in my work. I expect to have the frame for my picture today or tomorrow and intend to send it to the monthly meeting of the Century on Saturday. Colman came to see me and made a long call. He has an exhibition of his work up at Averys. He says he has sold only two and those to friends. He has not had a commission for fifteen years. He thinks he made a mistake in going to Newport to settle. He thinks people think he has made money enough to retire. I told him I had sold nothing and we had an interesting conversation as to what will sell. He says W. T. Richards makes a large income and he heard Henry has three commissions of $1200 or $1500 each. I told him he and I had gone out of fashion. He spoke in praise of my Winter picture in the Water Color exhibition and said he wanted to buy it but felt too poor. I was glad to see him for it is many years since I have talked with him and the last time we were somewhat antagonistic. Shortly after he left Sara came in and we had a little lunch. I had some crackers and some nice dough nuts and I broiled some little herrings in the stove - There was a meeting of the Academicians to decide upon a dinner at the opening of the Exhibition at $10 a head. I authorized Wood to say I would favor it. I dressed in my dress suit and went over to dinner, as Mary and I were to go to see Mrs. Kimball this evening. We started out about half past 8 but by the time we reached Union Square it began to rain and we turned back and after leaving her house I came to my room.

Friday 28". The last day of winter is like most of its predecessors with but very little of the character of winter. Rain and fog. I went up to Averys directly after breakfast to see Colmans pictures. They were a genuine surprise to me for their excellence. The largest one, "The Spanish Peaks was most beautiful in atmosphere as well as color. Sam Avery told me he had not seen Colman for several days and that twelve of them were sold - there are I think 24 in all This will be good news to Colman for he told me only two were sold. From there I went down to Hendersons to get seeds for Toms hot bed, then to exchange my fountain pen for this one which is not as good as the last one- then up to the bank at 16" and to my studio where I arrived about noon. I wrote Colman a note expressing my delight with his pictures and congratulating him on selling so many. The frame for my picture came and it looks very well in it. Calvert, Mary, Sara and I went to the Madison Square Theatre and saw "Aunt Jack" with Agnes Booth as "Aunt Jack" We had excellent seats for a dollar. The play was amusing and we all enjoyed it in comfort as the house was not full and was well ventilated.

Saturday March 1" 1890. Sara and I went home by the 11.30 train She and Mary first having gone to see Colmans pictures. The rain had not entirely cleared but the wind was in the N. and before we got home the storm cleared and the weather grew colder

Sunday 2" Was a cold day. I staid in the house all day until evening when I went down to see John McEntee who has been nominated by the Republicans for mayor of the city, against his protestations, but he was finally forced to accept and he is I think the best man in the city for the position. I predict he will be elected by a good majority for he is universally held in esteem, and justly so, as a genuine man, with no assumption nor pretense. Sara went to the water color exhibition yesterday and says