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Friday March 21" 1890. This would have been my fathers 90" birthday had he lived. It was foggy and rainy this morning but cleared in the afternoon. I have been at work trying to paint another portrait of dear Gertrude but I can make nothing of it. It is strange that I do not succeed better for I can see her so plainly when I think of her. These are dull and discouraging days. Not the least interest or encouragement in my art from any quarter. Yesterday I saw in Butlers Collection a clever picture by Douglas Volk. I understand he has given up painting, probably obliged to seek some other mode of getting a living. Butlers pictures sold last night very poorly and I think he brought them in. It shows people they had better not invest in American pictures if they expect to get their money back. Downing Sedgwick and I went to the 14" St. Theater to see a foolish play called "My Aunt Bridget" It was the worst thing I think, I ever saw. We had 50 ct. seats in the balcony where the air was execrable and I had five high, big hats between me and the stage so that I saw nothing. I left at the end of the 1" act disgusted.

Saturday 22" The rain poured this morning. I went home by 11.30 train in a pouring rain and it rained all day and into the night with a N.E. wind - probably the Equinoctial Storm I did not stir out of doors. Sara told me the Reeds were going to leave on Thursday. She will miss them for they have been very agreeable and companionable. She also told me that our girl Katy Hollis is getting restless and wants to leave and go to N.Y. which we greatly regret as we like her very much.

Sunday 23" Fine and bright with a high wind which rapidly dried the mud. I wrote to Will. H. Dutton in answer to his letter of last October and told him about meeting Mrs. Sheffield who knew him in Utica. I also wrote to Alice. Girardie and Florence came over as usual to pay their Sunday visit. I went down and called at Cantines and saw him and Miss. Sheffield. I thought Charlie was a little troubled as to what he was going to do in the future as I think Carrie is getting tired of being there and with the care of his little Agnes he hardly knows what to do. He spoke rather feelingly I thought while Carrie went to put Agnes to bed. I staid there an hour and then went down to John's. It had grown much colder and was freezing. John and I went over my statement of my account which I sent him Dec. 31" in which I made some errors. The account was correct but my manner of stating it was not right but we cleared it up

Monday 24" It was quite misty this morning the mercury being at 20" long after the sun was up but it rapidly grew milder. I went down town. Girard traveled with us and told me he thought Isaac Weiner would buy the lot on Chester St. next to Earnest. He has been to see it and thinks he will take it in a short time as he is not quite ready to pay for it just yet. Mary and the baby (Jansen) came over for a while yesterday and said a great many people had been up on the hill. These spring like days show them how pleasant it will be up there. I had Rommel come and fix a piece of hose so that we can let the water from the barn by Locust run where the water is not clear. I came away by the 4.05 train There seemed a feeling of spring in the air. I feel a little melancholy and toward twilight I fancied I heard the piping of the newts (which I really did not) and all the homesick longings which they call up took possession of me. I went to the Century and had some supper but there was no one there I could talk to. I often regret that I am not better able to join in the conversation about me. I came to my room feeling lonely and that I occupied a very small place in the world. I found a note from Mrs. Botta about the life of [[Canne?]] and a letter from Boston for Sara to my care, which I enclosed to her with a short note.

Tuesday 25" A threatening day with East wind and this evening it rains I sent up to Mrs. Bottas and got Mrs. B's note on [[Canne?]] which however are substantially what I have. I mounted my water color of the swamp in winter on one of the stretchers which old Mr. Kelly brought yesterday

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