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in the air. I have been trying to decide what to do with the Carrage house when I have to move it and really do not know whether to tear it down or to move it. I had made an arrangement for Sen. Sharpe to appear for us before the Commun Council this evening to protest against the Holmes St. paving and I was to be there. Girard left a protest with me to take up signed by all the property owners on the hill and I meant to be there by 7.30 We had dinner late on account of Downing and Evers and I utterly forgot all about it. I sat down after dinner to read the Freeman and the first item I saw was "Common Council this evening" I immediately started for the city hall but did not get there until 20 minutes past 8. Meanwhile the matter had been brought up by Sharpe and protested against. We however got the remonstrance of the other property owners in and it was read by Jas. Tubby to the Council. Mather justified the assessment and spoke in its defense. I think they will override the protest and we will have to pay at last. I have felt all the time there was little hope of any relief.

Saturday May 3" 1890. I wrote a note to Sam Coykendall this morning explaining that I had only learned within a month that the offer for our property last fall came from him and regretting he had not let me know it was from him for while I did not mean to say we would have accepted that offer I thought it would have led to an agreement, as we would have liked him to have it. That we did not believe the offer came from him inasmuch as his wife had told Lucy they never had any idea of buying it except once when the Mayor proposed to lay out building lots along Wurts St. I think he feels a little constrain toward me and I did this to let him know we felt decidedly friendly towards him and would have done our best to come to an agreement with him. I went down town and mailed this note. I had letters from Wood, Jas Gifford and circulars from the Academy, the Art Guild &c. I have written Wood and Jas Gifford and sent my dues ($20) to the "Players" from which I had a notice that they were due.

Sunday 4" We have had gentle showers at intervals all day. Julia Dillon came up this forenoon and we invited her and John to dinner. After she went back they sent up word they would come. We had dinner at 3 o'clock with asparagus from our garden and lettuce from our hot bed. Downing has been at work all day on his map. He went home this evening by the 8.25 train. I have a feeling that I ought to be painting something of these lovely spring effects but do not get at it. Each year I have thought I would go to some pleasant quiet place and make some spring sketches, but each year my duties seem to call me here and now it is so difficult to do any thing which requires any physical effort that I doubt if I will ever do much more painting It troubles me when I think of it

Monday 5. Showery day with beautiful but evanescent effects clearing in the afternoon. I went down town and got our seats for the musical Festival this week. Tom has set out early cabbage plants of our raising in the hot bed and planted okra and salsify. I set out a dozen Mikado Tomato plants from our hot bed. The sun came out warm and every thing will grow rapidly now. I wanted to paint some of this beautiful spring time but do not where to begin as it all changes so rapidly. Sara and I went up to Kingston to the Question Club which met at Mrs. Livingstons - the subject Columbus. It was a very pleasant meeting and is the last of the season.

Tuesday 6" It has rained most of the day and at times quite hard. I did not go down town until afternoon when the rain cleared for a little. I got a letter from Alice who is discontented and apparently over borne with work and cares. She says her mothers health is very poor. I wish they could sell some of their Star Landing farm and get to be more easy, as they are hoping to do. - Wood sent my Academy Art along as I asked him to and I made out on this the last day a list of nominations for Academicians & Associates. I put Chases name down for Academician. The apple trees are busting with blossom and tomorrow I mean to make some attempt at the spring landscape. I could do nothing today as it rained every few minutes. Altogether 

Transcription Notes:
---------- reopened for editing: "Carriage house" instead of Carriage here/"paving" instead of parry/"Downing" stead of Douring/"Sunday 4" instead of Saturday/various other small fixes and typing in of a dropped line/"grow rapidly now" instead of grow rapidly warm/"work and cares" instead of work and cans/"Star Landing" instead of Star Landry/"spring landscape" instead of shop landscape/"Altogether" instead of Altogether Reopened for Editing 2023-06-28 08:27:07 prior transcription attempt had only completed half of first diary entry. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-28 13:24:00 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-29 11:58:23 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-29 13:16:10 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-04 14:39:21 . Note: This is the second page hand numbered 78.