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Sunday June 1" 1890
We got a horse and covered wagon from Webster and Sara, Downing, Sedgwick and I drove over by the South Rondout ferry and up the road to Capt. Andersons, then drove to Water Park and by a road under the mountains towards Esopus, up to the River road and home by Sleightsburgh ferry, a beautiful day and a lovely drive, with a fine breeze from the N. although pretty warm when going with the breeze.  I saw an advertisement in todays Tribune from a gentleman wanting a suburban or country place and proposed to Calvert to answer it.  He thought it advisable to do so and I have written him this evening and sent a diagram of the place. – Mr. Scott, Burgers brother-in-law called here this afternoon.  I walked down to the garden with him and before I got back Calvert, Downing and Sedgwick had gone up to the 6.10 train for N.Y.  Sedgwick and Downing are going to start for Fort Bridges on Thursday evening and I will not see Sedgwick again.  I feel badly that I have not seen him to bid him good bye.  Jimmy said they saw me and Mr. Scott go behind the barn as they went down, but I think he felt badly at the thought of this being his last visit here, possibly for ever and so he avoided bidding me good bye.  I have written him a note which I will send tomorrow telling him how badly I felt at not seeing him when he went away. – John McEntee has gone up to Clermont today to see about having Nannie go there if the Dr at Middleton appears as he seems inclined to.  Sara is to go with her for a few days.  It is an experiment but poor John does not know what to do.  To me it seems a serious undertaking and I do not know what to advise.

Monday 2".  Down town this morning.  Tom has been cleaning up the rubbish from the rearrangement of the barn and [[?Norm]] Dewey tells us the need he in no haste to remove the Carriage house as he can not get any estimate on his house which comes any where near his Engine.  I have been at work all day constructing a convenience drain between the wood house and the shop.  I sent my letter to Sedgwick and also my reply to the advertisement this morning.  The weather is perfect and the nights comfortable.

[[press clipping]]
KEITH – WHEELER – On Monday, June 2, 1890, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Reverend Ormes B. Keith.  Dora Wheeler and Boudinet Keith.
[[/press clipping]] 

Tuesday 3".  Down town early and received a letter for Sara from Lama saying She and Gertrude and her husband would come up Friday with the Powell to stay over Saturday if convenient.  Sara who got up before 4 o'clock this morning to clean the sitting room and get it ready for summer wrote her that she had arranged with John McEntee to go with Nannie to Clermont whenever he made his arrangements, and that she was going tomorrow (Wednesday) and did not know when she would return, but not this week probably, it would depend entirely upon Nannies condition.  I took the letter down to the mail after having gone down to see Julia Dillen who told me John relied upon Sara and hoped nothing would prevent her going.  I also wrote a note to Mary telling her not to let it make any difference with her coming.  We had supposed Lama had gone back from what Mr. Lindsley & Mrs. Tomkins said, but you never can tell what will do.  It is very strange that they should want to come here after all their assertions that they wont come where their father is not welcome.  I wish they were nice enough to spare us the pain of their visits – I have felt very weak today and unable to do anything.  Perhaps I did too much yesterday.  We planted some Crosby corn today, what we planted twice before having failed.  I cut the above announcement of Dora Wheelers marriage from the Tribune today.
[[margin]] Planted Corn – 3" time [[/margin]]

Wednesday 4".  Robt Wilkinson called on us this forenoon.  He had some business in Kingston and came in on his way home.  He said they had had the most successful time at Moore Lake they had ever had.  Sara went to Clermont today with Clara Dibblee via Rhinebeck & Connecticut R.R.  John has gone to Middletown this afternoon and will take Nannie up there tomorrow.  He had a telegram from the Dr. that