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spent the evening. He told us Miss Sheffield was going away from there this fall and as he does not want to close his house, he is in great perplexity to know what to do.

Tuesday 19". So cool this morning the kitchen fire felt comfortable. I went down town and from there to the City Hall to see about our assessment but there were so many ahead of me that I am going again tomorrow at 9 o'clock. John Van Ettan came about noon and brought the anxiously awaited map and with his aid I made out descriptions for deeds of my place and for what he has bought from the estate and tomorrow I am going up to see Mr. Kenyon and try to get the deeds written. Bursten who is canvassing for signers for me to the "free delivery petition came to report. He has about 500 names and had filled the paper. I pasted on another lot of blank paper and he will go on a report later. I saw Brundage today and he does not seem inclined to bid on Tom's house and so I have written Brink and Roosa to come and get the plans &c. It has been grey most of the day and rained during the afternoon. Little Nellie Lucy's little girl (who was our servant for a while) came today and as it rained, she said her mother said she didn't care if she staid all night.

Wednesday 20" Aug" 1890. Fine cool day Last night we had a heavy shower with incessant lightning. I heard of four fires in sight last night from buildings struck by lightning in sight of here and in Wilkesbarre, Pa. there was a frightful tornado which destroyed a part of the town and killed a number of people.- I went before the assessor at the City Hall to see about our taxes. I think they will take off Crosbys, Norths, Deweys, Haywards, and Jones purchases. From there I went up to Judge Kenyons with the maps &c. to make out the deeds of my place at least for Sam, but so many intricate propositions arose and so many things I had not foreseen that after staying there until noon I came away to get further data for which I shall have to see Van Ettan. I left a note for him on the door of his office in the City Hall. The storm of last night is the topic of conversation today.- Girard has gone out to Sun=down.

Thursday 21" Cool morning threatening rain which came in the afternoon Down town after breakfast. Letters from Mary Gifford and Mrs. Van Ingen wanting us to come to Wainscot, also a letter from Mr. Douglas Merrit of Rhinecliff on the whistle nuisance and a letter from Royal Reed who was in the woods when I wrote. It is likely he and his son Alba will be our guides. I went up to Kenyons to write my deed to Sam and the description of the land to be released from the mortgage. The deed of the estate land to Sam cannot be written until Van Ettan gives us some more details. He came here last evening and will do the necessary work while I am gone. We start tomorrow on our visit to the Reeds at Quogue. I left at Kenyons the deed of my property to Sam my two deeds from my father and a description of the property to be released and did not get home until 1.30. Mr. Bursten came for more paper for his petition for free delivery. He has now about 1500 names.

Friday 29" Sara and I this evening returned from a visit of a week with the Reeds at Quiogue [[Quogue]] L. I. which we spent delightfully, sailing, riding and enjoying ourselves greatly. Bunner and his wife were staying near there and we saw them often. As near as I can discover artists as they grow old do not work as hard as they do in their younger days, for Bunner had done nothing in the way of painting. We went down to Wainscot and spent a day on invitation of Mrs. Van Ingen who has a cottage there which Mary Gifford shares. The Weirs are down there keeping house and Mrs. Van Ingen had them all to dinner to meet us. We visited Mr and Mrs. Sewell neé Amanda Brewster at their house & studio. Mr. S was not at home but Mrs. S had a picture on her easel, a classical subject of women with little clothes and no clothes in a mosquito haunted looking locality 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-28 18:04:55 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-29 07:52:37 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-06-30 16:59:51 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-02 15:55:20 . Andrew F. Bunner (1841–1897), American painter