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I think from the relief it gave his mind. The subject must have engaged his attention for some time past. Probably during the hot weather I was over at the Foundry a few days since, at Cold Spring, and visited Rossiter. who said he had lately been visited by some of the fellows. He was still deep in Scripture — to unfathomable depths — And in N.Y. I saw L.T. and the Old Studio B. which you may discover makes a rhyme. dear McEntee. Beard was prolific with his old jokes — a trifle staler — buttonholing a fellow in the hall for 10 minutes on the Subject of Pres Johnson's party with the roughs at Chicago — evidently pouncing upon me as a victim. (seeing the building was otherwise deserted) to air several jokes upon — as in the silence of those deserted halls they have had opportunity to bubble to the surface. Thompson has completed his model for the Shakespeare monument. and I think it remarkably fine — he was to have had it cast in plaster the day I was there. Give my warmest regards to your wife. and to Gifford and Miss Mary. 
Very truly yours. 
J. F. Weir 
Mary sends love to Mrs McE. and regards to all Let us hear from you soon—

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-06 07:51:32