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[[3 columned table]]

|Baker Otto St|Belden Miss|Bixby. W.K. -71-|
|378-407-|   |470-|
|Barr Mrs. Alice M.|   |   |
|279-|Berry M. F|Bing S|
|   |248-|188-256-362-|
|Barrie Geo. Co.|   |   |
|405-|   |   |
|   |Brentanos|   |
|   |361-|   |
|Brown Bolton Coit|Burnham and Butter|   |
|161-305-|224-235-|   |
|   |Butzel Stry. M|   |
|   |271-|   |
|   |Buhl Mrs. Walter|   |
|   |315-|   |

[[right margin]] [tab marked AB] [tab marked CD] [tab marked EF] [tab marked GH] [tab marked IJ] [tab marked KL] [tab marked MN]