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Also Sign of the Golden Vase
Camden, S.C.

The Berkshire Inn
Sign of the Golden Lion
C. Ticknor & Son
Great Barrington, Mass.

September 22nd, 1916

Mr. Edward Hamilton Bell,
16 Gramercy Park,
New York, N.Y.

My dear Mr. Bell:

Your letter of the 20th instant is at hand, and I think I understand quite accurately the sections of the Ma Yuan scroll which you wish to illustrate the article which you desire to publish.

Having a copy of the complete reproduction here, I have marked off the section desired and have returned the scroll to Detroit with a request that prints from the negatives of this section be printed as early as possible and forwarded to me here. After they come, I will send them to you at the earliest moment.

The scarcity of steamers on the Pacific is a misfortune, but I hope it will lead Congress to treat American shipping with