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To prove some of the worth of the man DOUGLASS, let me quote what PHILIP S. FONER in the preface of his book, aMarch 1950 edition, The Life and Writings Of Frederick Douglass said, and I quote "Frederick Douglass" editorials, speeches, and letters in the ten-year period covered by this volume are among the most penetrating and eloquent of any American. They stamp him as one of the greatest minds of his time, a master strategist and tactician, and the people' leader of superb statemanship."

I am most deeply conserned about the Douglass Home work! Iwant us to get the house in order very soon. There are someI3 or I5 million Negroes in this country, if every one of these gave only one cent each, we would have more than enough to do a marvelous shrine and have some money to save for the rainy day.

We have discussed these and many other things about the work, but mere talking will not do the job. Too bad that Negroes can not get together and dothe work.
The questioni is now ,what will you do? what will I do? What Will all of us do right now?

I have a beautiful film , made by Mr. Carlton Moss of Holly wood Calif. Mr.Moss made this film for the F.D.M.H.A. to make some finance to help us with out Douglass Home. The cost is $100.00 but I rent it for $10.00 to a group who can make money to help the Douglass Association. I wish you would rent it to show your group. A fee could be charged to make the money to do the work you plan to do at the Douglass Home.

Hoping to hear from you soon I am,
Most sincerely,
Emma I. Dickson, President F.D.M.HA.