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to let it out for $6,00 per showing. It is a 16 M.M., talking and singing movie film of the life of Douglass in a condenced form. Mrs Calton Moss of Holy Wood, California made the file to get over the important phases of the life of Douglass to the public and all the women and children.

I hope to get back the money I put into the cost of the film as because my husband is ill, retired because he had to loose & by, I need my cash. This is one reason why I do not get my letters answered sooner. As Souvenir program chairlady for the State of Missouri I am quite busy getting our program ready for the printer.

In the mean time they put and extra burden on me for a by pre-conventional program here in the city. I am enclosing an invitation to you so you can see I am very busy. Too much is piled on me at times, but seems as if I work best with a heavy load on my back.

I would like to have a big add or your work for the Douglass what convention-? Invitation with a picture (or art) of you or your group to go with it. Whole pages cost $20,00 each half pages are $10.. - fourth pages are $5.00 - small greetings are from $2.00 up and, I want a big showy all of your put in this Douglass job, send me something even if you can not pay much. I must let folks know what you and your Committee are doing. I wish you would send me all those articles the Afro. American wrote about you.

Please see if the Afro-American will send me some kind of greeting too, maybe with several such greetings I could make a whole page for the Douglass Home. I can add my own greeting too. This kind of advertisement will arouse interest in our Douglass work. I have a mat of both Douglass and his Home that I could use.

I am praying and wishing that we could find a way to make a new roadway very soon. We had talked of doing the roadway first but I felt the house was more important at the time.

It must be preserved before it falls apart.