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I do not know why she has not releasted the money for the furnance. 

We will have our annual meeting about the 4th Saturday in Sept. 24, 1955. At this time our trustee members and I wish to meet with you and your organization to thank you all and to take over some future plans that might help me to do further work on the Douglass Home. 

Please let me know when your organization can meet together with us close to this September date. In the mean time, I wish you would get in touch with the Afro-American so that they could be at our joint meeting which might well be on Sunday Sept. 25th if it is possible to get us all together. I am not too well but I do hope I will be well intime to get to D.C. at this time. 

Mrs. Parham, the caretaker is very anxious to get the road made before this time. Do you think the people could help us raise some funds to help with the roadway? This could be a big publicity hit at this time with some pictures taken and some statements to the future plans, etc. 

Please see if you and Mrs. Parham can get together on some plan to help get this roadway done. I feel sure that some people if contacted will do something for us. Look for a state program with your life membership in it soon. The certificate has to be signed by me, the secretary and the Treas. of the Douglass Assoc. It will take a little time going and coming through the mail.

Most sincerely,
Emma I. Dickson, Pred. F. D. A. H., Suc