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September 22,1955

Dr.Henry W.Peters,President
Washington Pharmaceutical Assoc.Inc.
2917 Ga.Ave.,NW

Dear Dr.Peters, 
As you no doubt know, the home of Frederick Douglass, the great abolitionist, is located here in Washington D.C. at 1411 W Street SE. For a number of years the home has been in a run down condition; in need of repairs and paint. 

For the past three months this committee has done some repairs and painted the exterior of the Memorial with the permission of the organizations that are charged with the shrines upkeep: The Frederick Douglass Memorial & Historical Assoc. and the National Association of Colored Women Inc. 

The contributions that we have collected thus far have not been sufficient to pay for all the expenses incured to do the job; therefore we are asking the various organizations for additional funds to pay off this debt.

The Frederick Douglass Memorial is of national significance. 

We hope that the Washington Pharmaceutical Association will find it possible to give a donation to this worthy cause.

Yours truly, 
Gen Chairman