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Frederick Douglas "operation paint)
The Committee set its goal at $550.00-two-thirds are in at this time-it is hope with the promises the remaining will be in by the 20th. The painting is scheduled for June 4th on Cedar Hill. This money was collected from various organizations in this area churches, PTA, school, business & professional people. Operation paint tags are given to the persons contributing. Movies and dinners were also given.

A paint contractor Mr Lawrence McKenzie, 5010 Washington Pl NE a former area boy has volunteered to supervise the painting and supply ladders etc. He has been in the painting business for 25 years. Mr McKenzie has taught painting and commercial art in Phelps Vocational school for four years and taught painting at the veterans school of painting.

Among the organizations in the area that have volunteered to paint the home are the J.Finely Wilson Memorial Lodge 1371 (Elks). a young boys club, and other interested men. Several churches The Campbell AME church, Matthews Memorial Church have agreed to supply food for the workers on the paint job. With the cooperation of all a big job will be done.

The members of this Committee who are working on this job of getting the Douglas home funds and painting are: Mrs Ella R. Foster, president of the Garfield Douglas Heights Civic Assoc. Mrs Lydia Lambert, Treasurer of The Coordinating Committee, Mrs Estelle E.Warner, Sec. of the Coordinating Committee, Rev. S.E.Guiles, Pastor Campbell A.M.E Church, Mr R.V. McKenzie, Member Matthews Memorial Church, Mr Stanley Anderson, Director Barry Farms Rec.Center, Mr James Watson, Member Macedonia Baptist Church, Charles E. Qualls, Gen.Chairman of the Coordinating Committee of Anacostia & Vicinity. 

After the paint job the Coordinating Committee will sponsor a city wide Committee here in Washington that will help to preserve repair the grounds and fix carriage house, restore study on grounds etc.