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News Release
February 9, 1956

The 139th Anniversary of the birth of Frederick Douglass, the Great Abolishionist, Distinguished American and Sage of Anacostia will be observed Tuesday February 14th at 2:30 P.M. The program will be held at the Memorial Home 1411 W Street S.E. All schools in the area have been invited to participate

Mr. Eugene Davidson, President of the local N.A.A.C.P. will speak. Color guard from the Anacostia High School Cadet will be on hand. Music by the Douglass Junior High School Chrous.

The Coordination Committee of Anacostia and Vicinity, sponsors of the observance, raised money last year to paint and repair the Memorial Home. Recently a directional sign has been installed at Nichols Ave. and W. Street S.E The observance is part of the plan to stimulate interest in the shrine by all, especially youths.

Members of the Anniversay Program Comittee - Mrs. Estelle E. Warner, Mrs. Lydia Lamber, Mrs. Edna E. Gordon, Mrs. Carolyn Bingham, Mr. Reginald Ballard and Dr. Charles E. Qualls.

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