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Friday, December 28, 1917
9:30 A.M. Session of the Archaeological Institute. Engineering Building.
1:00 P.M. Luncheon.
2:00 P.M. Meeting Advisory Council, School of Classical Studies, American Academy in Rome. 
2:30 P.M. Joint Session with Society of Biblical Literature. Engineering Building. University of Pennsylvania. 
8:00 P.M. Joint Session with Philological Association. Scientific papers and addresses. Engineering Building.

9.30 A.M. Joint session with American Anthropological Association. University Museum.
3.00 P.M. Visits to Art Galleries and other places of interest.
8.15 P.M. Joint Session of all the learned Societies meeting in Philadelphia. Historical, humanistic and patriotic addresses.

The Bellevue Stratford Hotel is headquartered and the sessions will be held unless otherwise stated, in the Engineering Building of the University of Pennsylvania. Members desiring to present papers should address the General Secretary, THE OCTAGON, Washington, D.C.
The Local Committee recommends the following hotels:
The Normandie: 36th and Chestnut Streets, about two blocks from the University. single room $1.50; with bath, $2.50. Double room $2.50; with bath, $3.50.
The Aldine: Chestnut Street near 19th Street, about ten minutes ride from the University by trolley. Single room, $1.50; double room, $2.50.
The Bellevue Stratford: Broad and Walnut streets (down town) about twenty minutes ride from the University by trolley, the largest hotel in the city. Single rooms, from $3.50 up.
The Walton: Broad and Locust streets, diagonally across from the Bellevue-Stratford. Single room, $1.50; double room, $2.50 to $5.00.
The St. James: Walnut and 13th Street, near the last two. Single room, inside, $3.00, outside $5.00.
It is particularly important that members reserve accommodations as early as possible, since so many conventions are being held in Philadelphia at the same time, and should notify the Chairman of the Local Committee. Professor W. N. Bates, University of Pennsylvania, of their purpose to attend.

Preliminary announcement subject to revision. The complete program is to be distributed to members early in December.