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corner 13th & Pa Ave., The Union Street Car Passenger Station, now wholly owned by the Capital Traction Company being their main offices at 26th & M Sts., N.W.; the Armstrong Manual Training School, P Street between 1st & 3rd Sts.,; five sets of Officer's Quarters for the United States Marine Barracks composing an improvement of 600 feet along 8th St., S.E., near the Washington Navy Yard; work on the large 600 foot New Foundry Building, Washington Navy yard, in which In installed (it is stated) more plumbing fixtures than are in the United States Capitol, or the great Terminal Railroad Station, or in any building in Washington; by special insistence, the placing of the largest ballroom floor in washington [[Washington]]; the special Chemical Laboratory and equipments, Internal Revenue, United States Treasury; United States Court House and Post Office at Cumberland Md; a large extensive Silk Mill, same city; the wireless Station buildings Arlington, Va. in which connections are had direct with Paris, for the United States Bureau of Yards and Docks; Typical Fifth Avenue Residence, French Renaissance on the Fashionable Sheridan Circle, this city, leased when built to John Hays Hammond U.S. Representative to the Coronation of King George V of England, Columbian Law Building; New Jewish Synagogue; a few weeks ago finished the contract for the new granite steps to the main front of the United States capitol; two Venetian Gothic Stone