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Transcription: [00:35:00]

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
What-wh How did the church feel about the movies?

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
Well the church didn't-- I never heard the church say anything about the movies,

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
because they was just a form of recreation,

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
and uh, I never heard the church say anything about the movies,

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
because you went at a certain time you go back home at a certain time.

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
You know what I mean? You weren't out after. It was just understood.

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
They didn't tell you not to, but you knew that, uh--

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
in the summer, well there was no school, you know, but unless you went to Bible Band,

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
and that was out after, you know, only so many weeks.

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
'Cause, I mean, as I said before, during the summer, most summers, I went away.

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
But, going back to the movies, it was just an ordinary thing for most people to--

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
Well, I'll tell ya, I had more freedom than most people.

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
And I never wanted for anything. 'Course I didn't ask for anything

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
that was out, that was out of reach, you know, that was a million dollars. [[Laughing]].

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Right. Well, the reason I asked, I wanted to know, did you go to the movies on a Sunday?

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
Oh, no!

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
Or only on Saturday?

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
I don't think we had movies on a Sunday.

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
We didn't have movies on a Sunday.

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
I went to Sunday School - that was a, that was a must.

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
You went to Sunday School, you went to 11 o'clock services, and we'd call it - they don't call it BYPU now,

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
I think they call it BTU or something like that. When you went to BYPU, those 2 things every Sunday of your life.

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
[[Cross-talk]] Can you tell us what that was?

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
Well, I'll get up and start with my grandmother.

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
On Sunday, she used her diamond, best linen, and best dishes. Silk.

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
And she'd get up and cook, and when she finished breakfast, cookin' breakfast, her dinner was ready.

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
And she's-- I'd always have to have her dressed.

SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
We would go to Sunday School. We didn't leave out together; she would go first,

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
and I would go down later.

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
But she sang, she belonged to the Sunday School class, she sang on the choir.

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
She was president of so many clubs, and the Flower Club, and all.

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
But myself, I was enjoying things, but you know, I wasn't--

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
Well, someone has to be in the group, not a leader.

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
But the Sunday was full.

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
The Sunday was full. You went to Sunday School; you went to 11 o'clock service; and you went to BYP.

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
Now after I became 14 or 15 years, I went to Sunday School and went to 11 o'clock service,

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
but I thought I was too grown to go to night service or B-- or to go to any evening service.

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
What was the BYPU?

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
It was--

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
What did that stand for?

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
Well, they discussed the Bible. Now what did it stand for?

{SPEAKER name="Mr. Heller"}
Oh, uh, Baptist Young People's Union.

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
We discussed the Bible, we sang, and like in the summertime they had-- we had--

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
the church would have-- we had the get together with that group,

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
and it would sponsor picnics, and it-- it was an enjoyable time.

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
And, you know, and you meet-- met friends. Now after a morning Sunday School, we would go to the pharmacy.

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
We had another pharmacy right there on the corner, across from the Gainesboro Library.

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
And everybody would have a soda or ice cream or whatever, then you go to 11 o'clock service;

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
my little group that I was with.

{SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"}
You had no time to go to the movies on Sunday. [[Laughing]]

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
We didn't go to movies; that was a thing I'd never heard of.

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
And you never wanted to go. And I loved to read, I had my books.

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
What kind of movies did you see when you did go to the movies?

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
Whatever they had.

{SPEAKER name="Louise Spence"}
Did they play the same movies on Henry Street that played at the Roanoke Theater?

{SPEAKER name="Theresa Holmes"}
Now no, I don't think so, but they were same type, you know.