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Texas Titus County
To General Hancock
Commanding 5th Division

We the undersigned feeling ourselves aggrieved by being imprisoned & fined by Col Starr commanding at Mount Pleasant Titus County Texas, under false charges, would respectfully pray the commanding General of this Department (General Hancock) to have said fine Remitted and payed back to us. In presenting our petition we do so, feeling assurred, as we are no longer enemies, that you will consider us your countrymen, and will give to our children their Due, in place of permitting others to take it arbitrarily. 

And that you may decide in your own mind, as to the justness of the proceedings against us, we present you a statement of the facts concerning the affair under Oath.

W E Hart
O. P. Boyd

We, W. E. Hart & O. P. Boyd, after having been Duly Sworn, despose & say: that in the latter part of the year 1866, the following freedmen Viz Joseph Brisco.