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Say that Beall was not able to comply with his contract,- that he was getting drunk, and creating dificulties in his family, and that they did not believe he [[strikethrough]] now [[/strikethrough]] intended to fulfill his contract.
Joseph Crorprew his mark x

John Corprew (a freedman)
having been Sworn, deposes and says - I was at Mr. Harts about 2 weeks after Jo Brisco, Mathew Snowball, Susanna Flernay, and Francis Brisco returned to his house. I asked them what they were doing there? and they answered, that they had left Mr. Beall's because they were afraid they would not make anything, if they stayed there. - that he had not the ground or team to make a crop with; and that they were afraid he would not pay them even if they should make anything, as Jo's wife had done work for Mr Beall, some time before and he had not payed her.

Jo told me also that he went to his