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Office Sub-Asst Comr
Bureau RF & A.L.
Waco Tex Sept 5th 1868

In answer to your letter of the 25th Ultimo, I have the honor to report that I have not found any one whom I can reccommend as Sub-Asst Comr or even as Ass't Sub-Asst Com'r.

There are many discharged Soldiers here, but all of them are addicted to the use of intoxicating liquor. At least, all that are competent drink excessively.

Very respectfully, Sir,
Your obt Servt
Charles Haughn
Sub-Asst Com'r

Bvt Capt C.S. Roberts U.S.A.
A.A.A Gen'l B.R.F & AL Dist of Tex
Austin Texas