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Office Sub-Assistant Commissioner,
Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Bastrop, Texas, Nov" 6" 1868.

Lieut Chas Vernon
Actg Asst Adjt General
Bu" R F & A L Texas
Austin Texas

I have the honor to submit the following complaint against John P Jones Esq Sheriff of this County

Several days since I gave him an Order for the arrest of a freedman & two girls, to be executed without delay.

Happening to be wrongly informed in regard to the name of the party with whom the freedman is living, I made that error in my order, no such person being known to the Sheriff tho' the freedman was at the location told to him (the Sheriff) yet he delayed executing the order, refusing to go to the said location of the County, when informed the freedman was, & did not go
