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Office Sub Asst Comr
B.R.F.& A L
Sumpter Texas
Sept 1st 1867

Lieut J.T. Kirkman
A A A Genl

I beg herewith to hand you My report of Personal Opperation for the month of August 1867
My Report of Schools for the month of August 1867
My Report of Rations issued &c. for the month of August 1867
Together with a statement that during the month I have referred the following Cases to the Civil Authorities.  There have been no civil actions tried in which Freed people were a party.
Alexander Smith, A A. & B. bound over
Madison, Wythe Co theft, no trial
Pate Jr. Another A & B. no trial
I also send you testimony, in the case of Jn Bill. and respectfully ask (as it is circumstancial) for your Order in the matter.
I am Sir very respectfully &c
H.S. Johnson S.A.C.