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Should have known it because he was unable to settle with them H & Co. Was it a Compliance with the terms of their undertaking with the Freedmen? and was it legal or fair to dispose of the proceeds in such a manner? or in any other manner than to pay them over to Norwood as they received them for the benefit of the true owners. From the Affidavits was it a Compliance with their Contract to compel the Freedmen to take Norwood for the amount whom they knew to be unable to pay it? Was there any such contract as that? Was there any contract or understanding that the proceeds of the cotton were to be disposed of as they were? did the Freedmen understand that H & Co were to place the proceeds to the credit of Norwood's indebtedness to H & Co. and then that they (the Freedmen) were to have Norwood for the amount? Or was it not really the agreement by the shewing of the parties themselves that the firm of H & Co were to sell the cotton and turn over the proceeds to Norwood who was then to account to the Freedmen. If they had done this much and [[srikethrough]] H [[/strikethrough]] then Norwood had squandered the money Hendley & Co would not have.