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who claimed that it was impressed from him. He has a Saw Mill on the Niches River. Mr Hassell claims the land back having been paid for the same in Confederate Govt. money.

Another extension property was a foundry started by the Confederate Govt at Kickapoo but at close of the war had not been finished.

There was a great deal of property about these establishments but it has all or nearly all disappeared. A man by the name Brown, Mr M.C. Brown, was the agent of the Treasury Dept. and disposed of it. He was a Major in the Confederate Army and now lives near Little Rock. He sold the property at private sale and the following are samples of what it brought. Mules sold for $10.00 Wagons for $10.00. 50000 shingles brought $7.50 300,000 bricks brought $50.00. Buildings built for Offices and dwellings of those connected with the works which were worth $300 $400.00 sold for $27.00 and were moved off and put upon adjoining farms.

There is also an Engine near the works which was taken from a federal gun boat captured up Red river. It is of 60 horse power but is not complete in all its parts.

This Engine is now claimed by a Mr. G. T. Calhoun, Mr. C