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Statement of John L. Brown, Pvt E. Co 35th U.S. Inf

"Having duly been detailed on guard Sept. 13th 1867 I was posted on the guardhouse of E Co 35th Inf, being in charge of 3 prisoners, 2 of them belonging to my Co, 1 being a colored man, who has been brought to the guardhouse by the Sheriff of Guadalupe Co. for safe keeping, as the same being affected on his brains to some extent endangered the lives of his fellow prisoners at the jail. This colored man has acted since his confinement in the Guardhouse in a way endangering the life of everybody who came near him. Although being very well tied he tried to get loose by any means. He being a very stout built man could not be easily handled. [[strikethrough]] Being [[/strikethrough]] Having been duly posted by the Corp'l of the Guard from 3 to 5 o'clock P.M. I walked my beat, when this above mentioned colored man tried to get loose by his extraordinary muscular strength. So far having succeeded as to get his ropes looser he most suddenly jumped at me, (who was walking with right shoulder shift arms) seized my musket and by the suddeness of his attack got hold of the same, when I took my other hand, reseized the musket and thrusted at him, who was furious and tried to knock me down and kill me. This negro had sworn several times during the time of his confinement to kill the first soldier he would get hold of, when in liberty again, he cursed all U.S. soldiers stationed at this Post and their commander & threatened the life of everybody. I have only  

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-22 10:50:28