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Office Sub. Asst. Com. Beau R.F. & A.L.
Mount Pleasant, Tex Sept. 24." 1867.

Asst. Adjt General
Bureau of R.F. & A.L. State of Texas.
Galveston, Tex.


I have the honor to report my arrival at this part from Austin on the 20". inst. and my assumption of the duties of this office.

I find the office destitute of every thing - furniture, stationery, blanks and blank books. I enclose requisition for stationery, request that I may be supplied with blanks and blank books, and ask authority to purchase the necessary office furniture, viz. 2 Office Desks, 2 Tables, 6 Chairs. 

The two counties comprising this Sub. District are full of outrage violance and murder. My time is more than fully occupied with office duties, and I have but little assistance from an incompetant clerk, no other being attainable at this post. I respectfully request that an Asst. Sub-Asst. Commissioner may be sent to report to me for duty in this office.

I am very respectfully your obt. servant,
S.H. Starr, Maj. 6" Cav Bvt. Col USA Sub. Asst Com.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-22 11:09:56 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-22 18:06:32 changed S.H. "Stair" to "Starr"