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Office Sub. Asst. Comr.
Bureau R.F.&A.L.
Crockett Texas
Nov 13th 1867

Report in the case of
Chester Downes. f.m.c
J.J. Hall of Houston County. Texas

On August the 24th current series, one Chester Downes fmc, made complaint at this office that one J.J. Hall of Houston County, was indebted to him for his last years part of cotton crop, that he had not received any pay for the same, On the same day Aug 24th C.S. I wrote J.J. Hall a letter, informing him of the complaint and requested him the said Hall to come to this office, prepared to settle the said claim of Chester Downes, against him, this letter was duly received by the said J.J. Hall, but fully ignored.  On Sept 14th C.S. I again wrote J.J. Hall a letter, ordering him to appear forthwith at this office ready for settlement with the said Chester Downes, Mr Hall then sent a young man, to this office excusing himself on account of sickness, I finaly suceeded Sept 20th C.S of getting Mr Hall and all his witnesses, at this office,