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to proceed to the plantation of J.J. Hall and there seize property belonging to said J.J. Hall sufficient to cover the amount of Five hundred Dollars.
This order was duly carried into effect, the property thus seized upon was advertised to be sold on Oct 22nd C.S.  On the day of the sale and before the sale commenced of said property, J.J. Hall came and paid the freedman the sum of three Hundred and Twenty Dollars.  The fine of One Hundred Dollars was then remitted to Fifty Dollars, said Fifty Dollars was also paid and the property of said J.J. Hall was released from seizure.  In regard to the letter of Mr Sam H. Sharp of Liberty County in which he accuses freedman Chester Downes of idling one third of the time during cropping season, I have to state, that said freedman was represented to me by his former Master one Wm. P. Seaverton of Crockett, Houston County, and a good many other citizens, as are of the best working and industrious [[strikethrough]] working [[/strikethrough]] Negros in the State of Texas, Mr Sam. H. Sharp further states in his letter that one freedman Norford a son in law of the said Chester Downes and who was in the employ of said freedman had stated under oath before me, that then the said Chester Downes f.m.c. left the plantation of J.J. Hall that said plantation was in thorough repair with good new nails, and

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-23 08:07:57