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Thought they could make more at Mr. Hart's, Said the Doctor owed Jo.'s wife, and had not paid her, and was afraid they would not get their money. The Doctor owed his (Jo.'s) wife, for cooking for him.  Matthew said he had a pony at the Doctors, but was afraid to go for it. He owed the Doctor something. Some one took the pony, cannot tell whether it was sold or not."

Question, by Dr. Beale:- "Who was it you talked with?"
Answer:- "This conversation took place between myself, Jo. Brisco and Matthew Snowball."

Question, by Dr. Beale:- "Was Jo. afraid he would not get his money?"
Answer:- "Yes, and was afraid of sickness."

Question, by Dr. Beale:- "Did Jo. know how he was to be paid?"
Answer:- "No."

Q. by Dr. Beale:- "When did this conversation take place?"
Answer:- "About a week after Jo. came to Mr. Hart's.

Q. by Dr. Beale:- "Were you at my house on Christmas, and had Jo examined my place?"
Answer:- "Yes."

Q. by Dr. Beale:- "Did Joe move over to make a crop after examination?"
Answer:- "Yes."

Q. by Dr. Beale:- "Who was present when you had the conversation?"
Answer:- "Jo. Briscoe, Matthew Snowball and myself."

Q. by Dr. Beale:- "Did I ever get drunk and abuse

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-24 18:43:03