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slandered my reputation in this Co. and I claim damages, and am damaged more than dollars can ever replace. A short while after this Dr Killibrough circulated these reports he made over all the property he had, and then as is believed no doubt bribed the attorney that I had employed, to go against me. 

Gen'l Reynolds, Sir, I have endeavored again & again to have this case settled but in vain, I claim protection under your command. I want you to have the case referred to Cap't Styles at Waco. I claim damages to the amount of ten thousand dollars, though this amount would never repay, the case must be settled if I live, and I would much prefer its being settled in law. I have penned a few items about the case to you enough for you to understand the nature of the facts in the case 

Transcription Notes:
[[?]] not sure if she is asking for ten or two thousand dollars. It looks like ten to me, but that seems wildly high for the time period. Wrapper says ten.