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and E L Dossett and all others from futher seizure or disturbing his property and that you will also grant him a military commission to investigate said cause that they may here prove and act as impartial Judges that your Petitioner may have his property that has been sold restored to him together with the damage that he has sustained by the acts of the parties as before mentioned which Petitioner feels that he has the right to ask of you as the representative of the Government of the United States which is to deal out even handed Justice to all its subjects and as in duty bound Petitioner will ever pray &c

The State of Texas
County of Houston
Before me the undersigned authority this day personally appeared John. D. Stepp who being by me duly sworn apon oath says that the facts as stated in the foregoing petition are true so far as stated of his own knowledge, and that he believes them to be true as stated apon the information of others.
J D Stepp
Sworn to & subscribed before me this the 4th day of Novr 1867
To certify which I hereto set my hand and seal of office at Crockett Texas this the day and year last above written
O. C. Aldrich
Clk. Co. Ct. H. Co.