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Titus County, Texas.
March 3d, 1868.

Col. S. H. Starr

Respected sir,
A very serious affair took place here yesterday. Two men came to my place in broad daylight and robbed the freedmen and beat severely a woman that was in childbed; the freedmen (when I arrived home) I learned were in arms. I went to see them and found them driven by their wrongs to desperation. Before I reached home they had sent two of their party to Mt. Pleasant to you - up to this time, twelve o'clock, they have not returned; I fear they have been waylaid and killed. I wish if you possibly can to send as many as six men here tonight to hunt these men for several days; and it will be essential to their safety [[strikethrough]]to their safety[[/strikethrough]] for a while at least, to have one or two soldiers with freedmen. I apprehend a like affair at my bottom farm twelve miles north of Mount Pleasant- the freedmen there with one soldier will be able to protect themselves; if you should send a soldier to said farm inform me by letter. I am in hopes you will send men here that will use efforts to put a stop to this robbery, or we are ruined. Near here last Tuesday a freedman was killed in his house.


(Signed)  J. T. Johnson.
