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State of Texas 
County of Trinity
Maj Gen'l J.J. Reynolds
Austin Texas
The undersigned citizens delegated to represent to the commanding general of the department of Texas, in cooperation with the Agent of the Freedmans Bureau; Respectfully represent that the state of affairs in this county [[strikethrough]] regard or [[/strikethrough]] require the presence of soldiers in order to secure peace and quietude.
There are disturbers of the peace, cliques, clans and assassins threatening and attempting to murder Loyal men.
We are upon the verge of a civil war in this community. We desire to avoid such a calamity; and we know of no other means but the presence of a strong detachment of soldiers to over awe and quiet the gang of lawless men who seem to have colluded together to afford mutual assistance in executing their diabolical designs.  The civil laws afford no protection with only a few rebel officers to enforce them, and a trial before such officers is only a farce.  The agent of the Freedmen's Bureau is powerless without either civil officers or soldiers to execute his orders.  We are of oppinion that together with efficient civil officers and a detachment of soldiers, that peace and quietude could again be established in this county and earnestly ask Maj Gen J.J. Reynolds to grant our request.
Antney Gabrath Regr.   
J.G. Hardin  [[strikethrough]] County [[Attorney?]] [[/strikethrough]] 
Z Norton  
Anson Pollan, Registrar

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-23 11:34:17