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Rusk and Upshur have all been represented. In almost every instance the offence charged against these freedmen was their attachment to and their earnest support of the U.S. Govt. and if this state of affairs continues, there will not be a vote cast at the next election in opposition to the candidate of the Ku-Klux party. The Commanding Officer of this Post has at present then men (Infantry) for duty but even with a larger force of the same arm of the service he would be unable to act, except within a limited sphere. I will say though that any outrage or injustice done to freedmen in this County (Harrison) is promptly punished. Aggravated assaults though are of rare occurrence, owing no doubt to the presence of the troops in the immediate vicinity. If they were removed the same reign of terror would be instituted.

With a small force of Cavalry at this Post, say 15 men and two non commissioned officers, it is believed that these organizations could be broken up, or at least in a great measure restrained. No measure looking towards their own protection will be instituted by the freed.