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Office Sub Asst Commissioner 34 Dist
Bureau R. F. and A. L.
Marshall June 27/68

Personally appeared before me, Gabriel Floy, a freedman living near Gilmer, Upshur Co Texas who being duly sworn states as follows: a band of men dressed in white numbering about 60 men came to my house on the night of the 20th ult and called themselves dead men or Ku Klux knocked at my door told me to get up when [[strikethrough]]they[[/strikethrough]] I opened the door they struck me on the side of my head with pistols and tore my shirt off then took me out west of Judge Lumpours, about 200 yds then they stripped and blindfolded me, they whipped me, cant tell how long, was gone from the house an hour so my wife said, they told me if I was in Gilmer by Tuesday night June 23 they would kill me

At the time I was taken out a freedman named Shack Roberts was also taken and I saw them strike him at least a thousand lashes he also was ordered to leave the town by Tuesday last, John Avery, Harrison Wright, Geo. McAllen of M. Co are now compelled to live in the woods at night they being threatened with the same treatment, I cannot say who any of them were on account of their disguise — they say that this punishment is inflicted an account of the above men

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-24 13:17:51 GABRIEL FLOY is the freedman's name according to the wrapper and attached letter.