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Bureau, Refugees Freedmen and 
Abandoned Lands
Head Quarters 14th Sub. Dist
Columbus, Texas July 7" 1868.

Lieut. C.A. Vernou U.S.A.
A A A. G Dist of Texas


I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of Evidence in the case of The State of Texas vs. E C Powell charged with Arson and Theft.  Mr Powell, on Monday evening June 22nd presented me a letter of introduction from Mr Rock S.A.C at Richmond (see Exhibit B).  I saw little of him up to the time of his arrest - Friday night he came to my office and stated that he had been turned out of the different Hotels, (as set forth in the evidence) also that an Article contained in the "Times" (see Ex C) would break up his prospects of a class.

On Sunday morning, I learned that Mr Powell had been arrested in the Majors office without warrant, and after hearing a statement from Mr Thatcher, (the substance of which is given in evidence) I went to the Jail, took Mr Powell out and then informed the Authorities that if they had any charges against him, to show them in proper form

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