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baggage - the prisoner pawned his watch for their supper - The prisoner called for supper, for both.  It was about 8 oclock when Key called for supper - They came together.

(sig) RA Key

Mr. Head being duly 
sworn testifies as follows:

I have been introduced to the prisoner.

I saw him the evening before the fire at Johnsons store.  I saw a man by the name of Key, the evening before the fire at the Passenger platform - I saw him also next day - We delivered him some goods the next day early in the morning = The goods were packed up in trunks and boxed. -  They were put into a two horse wagon. - I saw no one with him at any time - The first time I ever saw Key was in our Counting room about six weeks ago.  I saw him also about two weeks ago - I never saw the prisoner with Key at any time - 

(sig) GJ Hedd

The testimony for the state here closed.