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friends that I had better not Report the Capt as I might want to use him that I was working Freedman & could make my money back by having the Capt to settle for me, & for them, now Sir am I to submit to all this. I Reported to you and expected you to give him orders to place my property in my hands again, I see you did this in the case of Wingate Case of Houston County. Whitch was not as clear a case as mine. because the man Wiley was not indebted to any Freedman what ever and the only Intrust that Reinhart could posably have in the matter was whether I should get my money or Coundiff get his when there was not enought to pay both. his preferance was with Coundiff & I say he must have been paid for that preferance it was not done because Coundiff was a Radacal or because I was a Radacal for we were both Rebels only Coundiff Rebeled at Home & made money to play all tricks like this with, I will further state that I give all my papers Bill of Sale. Capt R. Recpt to Mr Wiley & Capt Rs order to Lieutenant Edwin Turnock to send to you as vouchers in my Report with the Requist that they be sent back to me. I have never herd of them since I feel satisfide that he gave them to Capt R whitch makes the whole afair a swindle as I have lost all title to the property if it so hapens that I cannot prove that I had the bill of sale. Now sir I have only one favor to ask of you and it is in your power to grant it. Please to place me on an eaquill footing with Capt Reinhart as Regards Military arrests &co. so that I will be only ameanable to the civill law, & I will promis you that I get my money out him & will not anoy you with any more long Reports
Now my Dear Genl. please excuse this long letter my only excuse is that I have been Wronged & am seeking Redress. If you wish to know my standing as a honest 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-27 11:11:55 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-27 17:31:00 Poor spelling but reads well