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I E W Jenkins do solemnly swear that I was present at the Court of John M Beavers J.P. on Thursday 2. p.m 4th inst when James W Weaver and others were arraigned for stealing cattle & that the facts allegations & averments set forth & made in the affidavit of Matthew E Anderson, are true & correct.

E. W. Jenkins
Sworn to & subscribed before 
me this the 16th day of June 1868
Witness my hand and Official seal

Wm M. Spitler Notary Public
Bastrop County

I_ William T Allen County Judge in & for the County of Bastrop_ do hereby certify that M E Anderson, Robert Gill, Leo Barker & E W Jenkins are gentlemen of veracity - whose reputation for truthfulness & integrity stand unquestioned in this community.

Bastrop June 18/68 -
Wm T. Allen County Judge B.C.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-25 19:10:25 [[image: Notary Public Seal]]