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remarked, I shall not allow any more politics to be discussed here.  Sayres retorted, "I shall say what I damn please"  The Magistrate said I fine you fifty dollars, and looking at the Sheriff (who stood in the door way, and in full view of everybody in the room), said Mr Sheriff, arrest Mr Sayres.  Mr Sayres then said "I defy the Sheriff or any other damn man to take me, All of which orders the Sheriff failed to make the first movement towards carrying out.  At this time the confusion was so great that the Magistrate took his books and left the room

When the fine of ten dollars was imposed the Sheriff was absent from the room.  When the second fine of fifty dollars was imposed the Sheriff stood in the door, in a position to overlook the whole room   This can be proved by numerous witnesses.

C.V. Schafer
Mayor of Bastrop
Bastrop County Texas
