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privately, as they wanted to elicit some evidence from them in regard to the charges preferred against Weaver_ After remaining at the jail twenty or thirty minutes I returned to the Court house & jury room with Smith, Jenkins and the Prisoners_ I left the Prisoners under guard in the jury room and went into the main Court room in which Judge Allen, at the time, was holding his Court_ I was absent and down the stair way to the lower floor for some time during the investigation or the attempt to have one by Justin Beavers And, was in attendance on the County Court, and Superintended the guard by instructions only but walked occasionally so that I could see Weaver and see that he was safe and the guard doing their duty_ As regards the Charge of refusing to arrest [[strikethrough]] to arrest [[/strikethrough]] Maj Sayers and, the statement that I was in the room when the order to place him arrest was given; this I most positively deny_ I did not know the Maj had been ordered in arrest or that a fine had been imposed upon him until some time after Justin Beavers Court had adjourned, and the Prisoners