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Personally appeared before the undersigned authority E M Anderson and being by me duly sworn upon oath says, that on the 4th day of June AD 1868, he was present while Justice J M Beavers. was holding his court, and while Mr. Sayers was urging a hearing in behalf of prisoners Weaver and others. And at the time or times respectatively when said Beavers [[strikethrough]] assessed [[/strikethrough]] imposed the fines of ten and fifty dollars [[strikethrough]] respectively, and [[/strikethrough]] Affiant posatively [[strikethrough]] affirms [[/strikethrough]] states that Sheriff John P. Jones was not present. Affiant further [[strikethrough]] affirms [[/strikethrough]] states that when said Beavers. threatened said Sayers with an arrest, and sending to jail, and when he called for Sheriff to arrest Mr Sayers, said Sheriff was not. present. Affiant further says when Mr. Beavers was leaving the room he met the Sheriff at the door, and said to him take prisoners to jail, which Mr Sheriff proceeded to do.

M E Anderson

Sworn to and subscribed }
before me this 15th day June AD 1868 }
Witness my hand and official Seal }

Wm M. Spitler Notary Public B.C.

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